Thursday, October 4, 2007

Monday was a sad day for Ronnie and I. We had to have our dog, Grace, put to sleep. She was about 12 and had a good life. We will miss her terribly. She was such a good dog. This is the first time in 42 years we have been without a dog. If you are a dog lover, you know how we feel. If you aren't ..........I'm sorry.

Ashley is doing much better. She doesn't look like her cheeks are full of food. She was really swollen even up to Tuesday. I can't imagine having 4 wisdom teeth cut out and 4 other teeth pulled all in one day. She is tough!

Ronnie is also back to normal now. He has received another pair of Shoes????. We have such good friends. The latest ones he received were the ones you wear when you get your toenails done. I would spell pedicure, but I'm not sure how to spell it. Anyway, our friends are soooo thoughtful aren't they. They only want the best for him. Thanks friends. Did any of you ask him about his New shoes???? Don't forget to. He gets so embarrassed.

Friday, September 28, 2007


"Vacation" Yes, that's right. After 9 years of no vacation away from home, we went to North Myrtle Beach. (I) had a GREAT time of walking the beach, shopping, spending time with family, sitting in the chair at the edge of the ocean and letting the waves come in over my feet, sitting on the balcony of the condo and just looking out over the ocean, watching whatever was going on out there and talking to other vacationers walking their dogs on the beach. It was wonderful. It was calming. We (brother John) and I were up every morning to see the sun rise out of the ocean. What a beautiful picture God paints for us every day if we just slow down long enough to look at it.

One morning when Ronnie and I were setting on the balcony (6th floor) and looking out to the ocean, the song "What a Wonderful World" played on the radio. The timing of that song was perfect for that scene.

However, Ronnie had a senior moment on Monday. My sister-in-law, her son, her mother and I went shopping. That left my brother and Ronnie home alone from about 9AM till about 5PM. Well, they went down to the beach FOR THE DAY. Ronnie got a very bad sunburn on his feet!! He ended up in urgent care twice. He could not wear shoes at all. The only thing he could get on his feet were flip flops. If you know Ronnie, he DOES NOT like flip flops and would NEVER wear them. NEVER SAY NEVER. Well, guess what. He had to buy a pair and wear them. Actually he could not really even walk. He shuffled. If you see him, ask him why he isn't wearing his new shoes (FLIP FLOPS). One of his good friends even sent him a new pair in the mail. She didn't want him to know who they were from, but the post office made her put her return address on the envelope. Isn't it fun to have friends with a sense of humor. I LOVE IT!! We have to laugh at ourselves don't we.

We all had such a great time we are already talking about what we are going to do next year.
I love spending time with my family. We are thinking ............?????? about asking the kids if they want to go too. WHAT ARE WE THINKING! The little ones (5 grandchildren)are 2 - 16 plus 7 adult children and spouses, plus one mother-in-law (my brother's). I guess we will see if that happens.

Well, Ashley turned 17 on the 25th. She is sooooooo Ashley. I don't know where she gets her wisdom sometimes. I am so proud of her for some of the choices she makes. But..... today she is getting 4 wisdom teeth cut out and 4 other teeth pulled. Her mouth is to small for all those teeth. I don't know what that will do for her wisdom. (Just talked to Mindy. Ashley seems to be doing ok. She isn't even sleeping. WOW. She is tough like her grandma. :-) We are sooo blessed to have 4 beautiful granddaughters.

We are having a family room put on the back of our house. That's all I have to say about that right now. I think I may be being taught more patience or something. Its going really slow! Hopefully it will be done by Christmas.

Ok, I guess thats it for now. Life is good!


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hi Everyone.
I can't believe its been 2 months since I was here. Well, Jeff, I said when I started I didn't know how good I would be. Didn't think I would be this bad though.

Really not much going on. However as of yesterday I am a year older. I am thankful for that. I will like next year better when they start paying me for being old. How great is that!!

Life is good at the Sines house. Ronnie has a birthday too, on Monday, the 18th. If any of you see him Sunday you can wish him Happy Birthday. He will wonder how you know. Tomorrow we are going to Genji's Japanese Steak house with 3 other couples from church and Rick, our oldest son. His wife and kids are in NC so they will miss out. I'm sure they are eating good though. I wish all of you could go with us. We'll be there at 5:30 if you want to meet us there. (Brice Road)

Looking forward to Rob being home from Colorado the week of July 4th. I am packing up Decoy (his choc lab/chesapeak bay mix, BIG BOY) and sending him to live with Rob for the week. He has been living with us since Rob went out there. Sure wish something would open up back here so he could come home. I really don't like him living so far away.

I hope all of you guys have a nice father's day. Sure do miss my dad. He was the BEST!! If you still have your dad, give him a BIG hug and tell him how much you love him.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Well, it's 4 something a.m. Wednesday. Just got a call from Ashley at 4:03 telling me they have finally arrived at the airport and are on their way home from Colorado. They had a 4 hour layover in Denver. She claims she is going to school today. She says she is a trooper and she can do it. I don't know if she will even have time to go to bed. 6:00 will come pretty early. We'll see. Don't know what Amanda will do. I'm just glad they are safely home.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Girls in Colorado

God is Good. The girls made it to Colorado with NO problems. First time Amanda 9 has flown. Ashley, now 16, flew when she was a baby, so obviously she doesn't remember it. She was responsible for getting them to the other terminal at the airport...... did just fine. Flight was smooth, thankfully. Even the little puddle jumper they took from Denver to Durango was a good flight. Ashley said it only had 9 rows of seats. I am anxious to talk to Amanda to find out what she thinks of flying. It will take longer that a phone call for her to tell me about it.

This is hard on Grandma. I get teary just writing this about them. Only grandmas understand. I will be glad when they are back home.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Tomorrow morning 2 of my granddaughters, Ashley, 16 and Amanda, 9 (some of you know Amanda, she comes to Church with us) will be flying to Colorado to see their Dad, Rob. As a grandparents, we are anxious (it's different than worried) about them traveling alone. Please pray for them that they will be safe and not have any trouble changing planes in Denver. Ashley is 16, but I'm not sure I could do it. Their flight leaves at 9:01AM Wed. They will come home the Tuesday after Easter. I know they will have a wonderful time and I am excited for all of them. Ashley hasn't seen her dad since Christmas. We took Amanda to Ky. for a couple of days earlier this month when Rob was there for a golf show with the Company he works for. It was a very nice get away for all of us.

This weather has been GREAT!! I don't even mind the rain. The spring flowers are coming up and they are sooo pretty. Kind of funny, when I was young, I didn't think much about flowers, but now that I'm old(er) I want lots of them. :-) Funny how we think so differently at different stages of our lives. Some of you won't get that yet, but wait............ Tomorrow you will be my age. Stop and smell the flowers while you are young too.

No work today. Just taking care of some family members. I picked up my sister-in-law at TCI and took her home at 10:00. At 2:20 taking Mother-in-law to the eye dr. and maybe to Hobby Lobby to get some yarn. She has been out for a few days. I love doing it. I love family. Makes me teary just thinking about them. (I know I'm a little strange) I feel bad for families who don't feel the love. I have so much to be thankful for. I love my family...... all of them.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Went to the Wild Game Dinner tonight. I was conservative and ate Chicken. Where were all the ladies. Not very many of us there. I thought it was very nice and enjoyed Buddy.... speaking and singing.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Don't know faithful I will be to this, but I enjoy reading others.